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Forklift Replaced by Generous Donor, Will it Spark More Giving?

Last week The Caring Place announced damage to its fence and forklift.  After this announcement, a new forklift was purchased by generous donors who now hope their gift can inspire more giving.

Therese Verdonk-Vertruyen has been a volunteer at The Caring Place since 2014.  She has volunteered at The Caring Place as a pricer in various departments, merchandiser, customer assistant and as a receiver in Donations.  Her enjoyment of volunteering in different areas has given her an honest look at what happens behind the scenes, specifically how the forklift is used.  She shares, “I was shocked that somebody stole from this non-profit. This forklift is an essential tool to efficiently allow The Caring Place and the Food Pantry to serve our community.” She continues, “We are grateful to be able to make this donation. My husband and I feel joy in giving now while we live.”

Executive Director Ginna O’Connor adds, “We are blessed to have friends like Therese and Carlos to answer a need as great as this one.  We couldn’t do the work we do without the many people like them who regularly give to our mission to help those most in need.  It’s unfortunate that we had damage done to our property, but we were quickly reminded how much this community continues to support The Caring Place.  We are incredibly thankful to Therese and Carlos for this generous gift and for their giving spirit.”  

Therese and Carlos would like to invite the community to continue giving to important causes like The Caring Place.  There’s no better time to show your appreciation for non-profits that work to lift the community up.  In the case of The Caring Place, it is tasked with providing a safety net to those in financial crisis, including families most impacted by COVID-19.  The Caring Place provides food and financial assistance for rent, mortgage, utilities, transportation, emergency dental and prescriptions.  If you’d like to keep this mission strong as it provides relief in your community, please make a donation at  You may also send checks to P.O. Box 1215, Georgetown, Texas, 78627.  Note "Spirit of Caring" in the memo.  By joining the Spirit of Caring campaign, you are joining a group of like-minded individuals who are inspired to give and hope to inspire others.  This campaign is taking the place of a few of the organization’s traditional fall fundraising efforts which have been cancelled due to COVID-19.  

Information on current programs and services offered by The Caring Place, can be found at


Since 1985, The Caring Place has provided for the basic human needs of all people in our community in a welcoming, respectful and caring way.  The Caring Place is a community-based and community-supported organization.  For more information on The Caring Place, visit  


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